1-1 Coaching
Personal (1-1) sessions are the most common, yet powerful forms of coaching. They can be held physically or remotely (mostly preferred lately by my coachees) on a frequent basis with a duration of 50 minutes. With the use of personal growth tools and techniques, NLP, powerful questioning, and accountability support, we together explore the literally endless options in the following areas (not exsaustive list):
Work-Life Integration
Builiding Self-Awareness
Taking Ownership of Your Career
Boosting Your Productivity
Setting Boundaries and Saying "No"
Setting Objectives and Achieving Results
Handling Family Issues Which Affect Your Career
Click here to find our whether 1-1 Coaching is the right format to support your personal growth journey.

Team Performance Coaching & Mentoring
We help teams become more efficient and effective. This can be only achieved if each member cares about each other, and utilizes everyone else's strengths and talents with trust and respect. Based on the objectives of the employer/sponsor, we use various tools to create impactful sessions: (remote or LIVE) workshops, role plays, presentations, mentoring. The topics covered are (not exsaustive list):
giving and receiving feedback
communicating hard messages
handling conflicts
motivating teams
handling change
asking powerful questions
active listening
Click here to download our brochure for team performance coaching and mentoring.

Coaching Retreats
We organize single or 2-day retreats for small groups of no more than 10 people hosted in various resorts in the countryside, about 2 hours drive from Athens city-center. We call this program "The 3Cs Principle" and it consists of 3 main pillars: Confidence, Control and Communication. Check the "upcoming events" section for more details and dates.